Wednesday, March 21, 2007


In the second diagram the parts are moved around but are exactly the same size. Where does the hole come from?

My mind jus couldnt agree with this!! Some of my friends got answers, but nothing made sense anymore.. damn m going insane. Help !!!


Anonymous said...

alhe ckoh neyngeytha?

its really easy, mathis in fas vi tha? :P ehen viyya engeyne....

It is an illusion, if u look carefully, it is not a is a quadrilateral (not 3 sides, it has 4 sides...the dark green and red part joined line is not straight.

In the first part, the point joining the orange, dark green and red peices is a little bent towards the inside of the is not lying on a straight line. In the 2nd part the point joining the orange, darke green and red is bent outwards...look carefulyy and u will notice.... :D

So at first look it will seem like a triangle, and triangle should have same area if arranged in another way. But this not being a triangle does have the same area, but it is not wasy to figure out, with the 1st one goinng out a lil, and the 2nd one going out a lil.

Hope u have got rid of the confusion ^_^

ab said...

Heheh... yea fureeeku has xplaind it... i saw that too b4 and many others of da kind too.. realy fascinating ... aint it? btw: nice blog!

Inan said...

ckoh nenge. faaheh ves nuvey ;) ekam visnihje keke... thanks fureeku my genius my hero/heroine.. i want to reward you! please tell me ur name. thanks waylander.. for the compliment.. maybe next time i ll ask you, since u got the experience and all dho?

Anonymous said...

u r welcome....^_^
and btw...i can't b a heroine... :$
