Well! It's been a long time. People really do forget. If it werent for ciman, I would have forgot all about ma bloggy. Thank you ciman.. for reminding me. hehe.I almost forgot I even had a blog for 7 months... Sorry ol' bloggy. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I have been so busy and involved with school-life the past 7 months. To be honest, I have never had the time to sit in front of the computer feeling bored or wondering what to do. There's always something to do. Maybe sulk over loaded homework.LOL
Now, I am counting the last few days of studying in this school. It is both heartbreaking and blissful. Good news is no more home works, being scolded by teachers and most importantly no early morning wake up calls. That does sound great eh? We will finally have time to quit studying 24/7 and do something else whenever we want.
Yet everything just can't be right. It's just never perfect. On the other side of the picture it's so unhappy… Yes. Friends and all the fun we had together. It's all going to fade away. Almost everyone is going to take a different path in life and live their own life. We won't be seeing each other everyday and chat gossip and all that. It fills me with pain and unhappiness to face the truth that it’s never going to be the same. It will never be just us together in that same classroom with those brainless teachers hehe. Some of them friends are going abroad for like a lifetime. Some will start working and become the most dull and mind-numbing people ever :P
Although we're all gonna be scattered and although we never meet again, in the past 3 years we have created this special relationship between us. However much disgust and mischief that has happened between us, meeting in the same place, everyday has somehow created this bond. A bond in which we have created love, affection and caring for each other. And no matter what happens in life, I will always give a helping hand for them and be there for them. And whenever I know that they are unhappy, it sure will sadden me.
All we have to leave behind for each other is memories… Like they say best memories are the memories of school-life. This is where my school life started and I will never forget these wonderful days I spent with you guys. I have learnt a lot and experienced a lot with you. And I will always love you and remember these days wherever in life I go and how much more friends I find. Right now let's leave that and enjoy the remaining 54 days sniff..hehe.
Now, I am counting the last few days of studying in this school. It is both heartbreaking and blissful. Good news is no more home works, being scolded by teachers and most importantly no early morning wake up calls. That does sound great eh? We will finally have time to quit studying 24/7 and do something else whenever we want.
Yet everything just can't be right. It's just never perfect. On the other side of the picture it's so unhappy… Yes. Friends and all the fun we had together. It's all going to fade away. Almost everyone is going to take a different path in life and live their own life. We won't be seeing each other everyday and chat gossip and all that. It fills me with pain and unhappiness to face the truth that it’s never going to be the same. It will never be just us together in that same classroom with those brainless teachers hehe. Some of them friends are going abroad for like a lifetime. Some will start working and become the most dull and mind-numbing people ever :P
Although we're all gonna be scattered and although we never meet again, in the past 3 years we have created this special relationship between us. However much disgust and mischief that has happened between us, meeting in the same place, everyday has somehow created this bond. A bond in which we have created love, affection and caring for each other. And no matter what happens in life, I will always give a helping hand for them and be there for them. And whenever I know that they are unhappy, it sure will sadden me.
All we have to leave behind for each other is memories… Like they say best memories are the memories of school-life. This is where my school life started and I will never forget these wonderful days I spent with you guys. I have learnt a lot and experienced a lot with you. And I will always love you and remember these days wherever in life I go and how much more friends I find. Right now let's leave that and enjoy the remaining 54 days sniff..hehe.
Smile while you still can ;)